NOMAD means going from one place to another without having a fixed residence, something I have identified with since I was very young. Since I was a child I have traveled to countless places and lived in different countries, so I am a little bit of each one of them and of none at the same time.

I am a nomad with a traveling soul and being in constant movement is my motivation.

To carry out this collection we mix stones in earth tones and black such as Obsidian, a magical and sacred stone in Mexico of volcanic origin, which represents impetus and passion. Black Onyx, a protective stone, one of the oldest discovered in the world. The Eye of the Tiger, with its amber hue that reflects a unique light and is reminiscent of the eye of the feline, and which is said in South Africa to have the power to redirect the lost. And finally, Yellow Jade, originally from Asia and Central America, which has the virtue of improving dreams.

All of them powerful stones that will take us on a long journey through remote places, representing what Nómada means to me: that moment when one is far from home and realizes what his true place is.

The pieces of the new collection take the form of tears, nuggets and brass circles, worked by hand in order to give them shape and luminosity, so that we would also leave in each one of them the mark of the craftsman who created them and thus give value to the work they do every day with me. I hope you enjoy this collection as much as I have enjoyed making it.

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