Aquarius, welcome to your month!

Aquarians are characterized for being humanitarian and helpful, always trying to find happiness in things that make other people happy. Despite having the word "Aqua" on its name, Aquarius is in fact the last air sign from the zodiac, something that deeply connects you with all angles of nature. Like all zodiac signs, Aquarius has specific stones that will help you embrace your best attributes. These are: Turquoise, Aquamarine and Labradorite.

Turquoise is the stone of hope and inspiration and it transmits a relaxing and tranquil energy. This stone will increase your focus and spiritual attunement; also to neutralize and smooth any changes that may come your way.

Aquamarine is one of the best stones for Aquarius as it helps transform thoughts into actions and brings compassion, empathy, and an inspired sense of service to humanity. It also brings happiness and helps reduce stress, while promoting authenticity and helping you feel more comfortable with yourself.

Labradorite awakens the spirit and will help you to improve your connection with your spirit. This will support your visionary qualities, balancing inspiration and insight. Labradorite carries a perfect combination of water and fire energy, which will help you improve patience and fortify your passions.

Invest in jewelry with meaning and find your favorite piece with the stone that best represents your mood!


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